Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Life As A Movie''

Ciara Macintosh is a 16 yearold mother who's life is perfect go to School and love's her family just as dearly; Chanel Love outdoors activities and is planning on providing for her unborn child a new baby girl. She has improved in school just as well as her oldest sister and twin, Carmen Kambell, and Caren Macintosh. This most up coming and Spritual Movie has a lot to do with Ciara's life with her baby and her family also her handsome boyfriend, Edo Henderson. Ciara has dreams that she's wishing and praying that they would come to her and that she would some time soon see her self as doing one of those things etc, Writing baby books, Modeling or either Traveling all over the world. Until one day some call for an interview on Runaway Moms that recently appears on TLC on channel 69 Every once in awhile TV show. Which is her and her beautiful Preganancy taking photos of her and her Stomach. And to explain world wide how beautiful and luxious it is to carry another human being inside of you. But one day On April 17th 2008 Their was something new and Ciara's and Edo's lil pride and joy was here. And That same day it changed not only Ciara and Edo's Life but also her family life included Edo's life. And her mother Ms. Kambell was very happy included Ms. Morrison, Edo's mother.


Chanel Nicholson Ciara Macintosh
Courtney Kimble Carmen Kambell
Charise Nicholson Caren Macintosh
Eddie Hurdle Edo Henderson
Calese Hurdle New Baby Girl
Nicole Kimble Ms. Kambell
Loretta Milsap Ms. Morrison

1 comment:

Princess#1 said...

This is my self because i am boring love me chanel.........
AKA calese mommy

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