Friday, February 15, 2008

The best time i ever had in my life!

The best time i ever had in my life was when i graduated from elementary school (James Madison) i was very happy because i was given a step up to be an free and intelligent child, and becoming a true teen. That could start making decisions on my own and 50% my mother and grandmother too. I was sort of sad because i was scared that i was'nt a little kid any more and that i had to step up my game and take more responsibilities and be mature and not immature. That day really made me happy very happy is when i seen tears come down my mother face and a smile following it and to feel my twin on the side of me doing the same, and watching my family sit their with smiles on all their faces as i walked across the stage that really was the best dayof my life.

1 comment:

The Fashion Queen said...

That was an alsome story. Graduation is something big.

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